Most recent update Feb 17, 2013

OK, Boys & Girls!
We've been in touch online for the longest time but our e-group is, well, how shall I put it, way too
loooowww keeeeeyyyy, like we're hiding in some cave somewhere. Anyway, I hope this blog takes us all to the light...
And where the hell is everybody, you say?!?
As far as I know...
plus your epithets/epitaphs from the batch tome "Class of 1983: 20Years & We STILL Can't Forget" circa 2003,
1. Andrew (Heaven) "Intense, very intense adherent of Machiavellianism & Marxism" [yet was a true child of God]
2. Adonis (Pinas) "Definitely a Greek god in his looks as in his name, a mellow crooner & a mean hoopster"
3. Albert (Pinas) "Budding lawyer minus the notoriety of lawyers"
4. Alexandra (Pinas) "Could give Nikki a run for her money, good thing they were good friends more than nymphs"
5. Alicia (Pinas) "Still waters run deep, quiet brooks lead to the sea"
6. Angelica Mendoza (?)"Called 'Baby Doll' by her family ... a throwback to the Guy & Pip era of Maria Theresa Leonora, the walking doll na anak ni
Nora and Tirso"
7. Angie (Pinas) "Genius IQ within a pixie frame"
8. Ann (Pinas) "Serious and quiet with a likeable pink disposition as pink as her eyeglasses"
9. Apollo (?) "It's not just the name, my sights are also trained on a higher plane"
10. Ariel (?) "Mr. Electrifying Presence"
11. Armel (Illinois)"Thou who shalt be called thus, will become thus...the dame with the zany sense of humor who holds the record in chinese kick (Grade 7 in Maquiling)."
12. Arnel Creencia (?) "Lived in UPCO. Maybe the faraway domicile was the reason why he became the undeniable cheetah in foot races (pinakamabilis tumakbo!). Such asset served him best whenever he broke the (school) laws in the elementary school yard"
13. Atheni (?) "If everyone spoke everyday Tagalog with the proper panitikan as this tall lass, everyone would stand as tall & proudly say 'AKO AY PILIPINO'"
14. Bituin (Pinas) "Perfect representative of the Filipina morena beauty, the batch Jesebel"
15. Borg (Pinas) "The gentler giant"
16. Cristina De Guzman (Pinas) "Math prodigy whose number of admirers were uncountable"
17. Buenaflor (Pinas) "Champion Pilipino declaimer & orator"
18. Caridad (?) "She with the chinita eyes that were able to tame the wild bear in he who changed his as a derivative salute to her" [HUH?!?!?!?]
19. Carlos (?) "...& the meek shall inherit the earth; Challenge Sir Bergonia to push-ups anytime"
20. Carolyn (?) "This quiet lass loved to laugh & will keep your secret as close as your sister would"
21. Catherine (?)"The taller Cruz twin with the remembered laugh, the fearless spike, and the dreaded basket"
22. Cecile (Pinas) "Everyone's approachable team player"
23. Cely (Pinas) "From Quezon province like Ms. Capanzana, had a very deep Filipino vocabulary"
24. Cha2x (Illinois) "All-around wholesome and popular girl-next-door"
25. Cherry Lynn (Pinas)"Small but terrible, cute but deadly" [LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!]
26. Cirilo (Californication) "No, I wasn't standing up, I was sitting down!"
27. Corinna (Nor Cal) "A quiet damsel who belonged to the esteemed 'Crush ng Bayan' league"
28. Cristina Lantican (Down Under) "Feared goalie with the booming laugh"
29. Cynthia (Pinas) "Brains
par excellance nothwithstanding her mischievous, infectious smile"
30. Daniel (New Zealand) "Meet the better Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey as he laughs all the way to the bank, thanks to his generous math genius that has prospered himself and many Batch 83ers"
31. Dennis Arboleda (O, Canada!) "Medium height, dark, handsome, scored a goal in many a female RHSer's heart"
32. Dennis Orencia (?) "I can see a bright future ahead"
33. Dindo (Pinas) "In the landscaped garden of his heart, only one rose bloomed, & she went by the name of..."
34. Dino (So Cal) "Cute, fair & cute [again?!?] with eyelashes longer than most female RHS83ers"
35. Dyah (Indonesia, prob) "From Indonesia to Maquling to the boondocks of Rural: Introduced Indonesian food to her Dao classmate in their home; same Dao classmate tasted Indian food in another home, this time of Sushitra, their Indian girl barkada in 7th grade. Now only the Dao classmate remains, and lives in a world like the United Nations, thanks to Dyah's kind ushering into a coexistent world in the international arena."
36. Eddie (Pinas) "Tall and lanky future lady killer!"
37. Edwin (Pinas) "The gentle giant"
38. Eileen (So Cal)"Ms. Sunshine personified, perfect partner of Rhoderick's sunny smile"
39. Elisa (She's in the heart of Texas!)"Quiet damsel who excelled in Math & Pilipino"
40. Em2x (Pinas) "Proved that size doesn't matter -- height that is -- for he won the heart of one vivacious siren."
41. Emily (Cal) "A quiet damsel with an American twang who also belonged to the 'Crush ng Bayan' league"
42. Enrique (Celine Dion country) "Quiet, brooding and mysterious"
43. Ernie (California) "One of the pillars of Batch 83, tall & lanky kasi"
44. Erwin Belen (Pinas) "The manger belied its Occupant, as the quiet man belies the strength within"
45. Erwin Cabrido (Japan) "Walked softly without carrying a big stick, a true officer & gentleman"
46. Farina (Pinas) "Proved that girl power was not just an 80's Charlie's Angels TV show, but was in the here & now among Batch 83 gals"
47. Fe (Pinas) "Dreamed of becoming an MD, but not before she takes up arms as Platoon Leader of Bravo Co."
48. Fikki (Indonesia) "Quiet Indonesian batchmate with RHS83 blood in his veins"
49. Florangel (US) "Math wizard, female match for Moises the Math Merlin."
50. Gary (Pinas) "Future doc"
51. Geraldine (?) "Watch out, US Open!!!"
52. Gil (The Big Apple) "Math prodigy who caught the heart of her whose admirers were uncountable"
53. Greg (So Cal) "Quiet boy
[HUH?!?]. Shy boy
[HUH?!?]. The boy with the downcast eyes. Wonder what shores they will look upon, what woman's face they will adore?"
54. Henry (NZ/Australia?)"Gonna beat Wesley Snipes anytime as the original Batangas switchblade"
55. Imelda Eugenio (?)"Best remembered as the china-complexioned sports gal who gleams out there in Baker Field"
56. Imelda Gerpacio (Land of the Morning)"Once she dons her sweatshirt, this shy belle transforms into a soccer belle"
57. Ireneo (Pinas) "Macho, both inside & out"
58. Irwin (So Cal) "Destined to fire big guns overseas"
59. Ismael (Pinas?) "The man with the golden hand...for drawing that is, not counterfeiting..."
60. Jawel (Pinas) "Born Nov 1 but never a zombie, the life itself of many an affair"
61. Jay-Jay (?)"The most linguistically forthright persona of Batch 83, disguising no qualms, sweetening no critiques: I am darkness, I am light, I will not flinch, I will fight."
62. Jelly (So Cal)"The hour glass figure whose heart timelessly belonged to one & only one batchmate"
63. Jena (Canada) "The trustworthy bestest bestfriend if many a guy 83er"
64. Jenny (Pinas)"Fire on the dance floor"
[Really?!? Didn't see this one. The lights must have been out.]
65. Jing-Jing (Philly, home of Rocky Balboa)"Eternal romanticist, eternal poet who looked so beautiful enough to be a muse of poetry herself"
66. Joey (?) "Never underestimate the bamboo that stands not as tall as the oak, for when the winds and rains doth fall, it shall not be broke"
67. John (Japan)"Had the most number of sneaker styles next to Dennis Arboleda"
68. Jommel (Chi-town, Chicago) "Original pin-up heartthrob in the ranks of Shaun Cassidy"
[not Sean Connery?]
69. Josefina (Pinas) "Quiet dame ready to scream her lungs out for
Bjorn Borg"
70. Juvy (?) "Mayumi, mahinhin. Mabuhay and mga katangiang Pilipina!"
71. Kevin (Pinas) "Tall, fair, and tennis player who defines LOVE as the relative of someone from the batch!
[what is this, Queen?!?]
72. Learned (Palm Springs, US) "With a marionnette smile but definitely no one's puppet with his witty, caustic, strange but memorable style"
73. Lenny (?) "The taller Maduro twin who spoke the Filipino language w/ the nobility it deserves"
74. Leonil (New York) "Proves that being a man isn't always about brute displays of force"
75. Letty (Nor Cal) "A cherubic face, with soulful eyes that will hauntingly embed in your memory in their gentility"
76. Liza (California) "O, damsel with the ready smile, like you I am of comedy fame, & of lions my name has slain, oh whence can we of serious partnership remain?"
[methinks the queen had one-too-many Coronas before penning this quip]
77. Lourdes Deomano (Q:"Which country was discovered by Magellan in 1521?) "Watch out, this CAT officer means business"
78. Lourdes Frias (Oh, Canada!) "As tranquil as the waters of Lourdes, and as healing to the spirit likewise"
79. Luningning (Pinas) "A conscientious student, a future principal"
80. Lynette (KSA) "The daughter of a pharmacist, her friendship worked better than aspirin for the spirit"
81. Marie (Pinas) "The demure Calamba belle who kicked a mean soccer game"
82. Marien (Colorado) "A girl with a ready smile and bubbly laughter"
83. Marivic (Mapleleaf Country) "The more loquacious of the Frias sisters w/ a hand for Filipino Poetry"
84. Mark Dondi (Pinas) "Always the Boy Scout, with or without the uniform"
85. Meg (Pinas)"The 'quieter' [did we vote on this?] Cruz twin. P.S. 'I learned the truth at 17'" [Pray, tell]
86. Michelle (Pinas) "The better Steffi Graf, RP version"
[Who's her Andre Aggasi?]
87. Miel (Ohio) "Mr. Salutatorian as unadulterated as his name despite Batch 83's notorious rites of men"
88. Mimi (Texas) "Let the sisters spike, tumble & roll, I will shake & groove on the dance floor!"
89. Moises (Pinas) "The big guy with the big voice with the even bigger commanding presence as the
de facto president of the SPC Boys"
90. Nikki (Pinas) "A kitchen queen like her mum, but confine her not to the cinders, for she proved why "V" stands for vivacious, voluptuous venus"
91. Nimfa (Pinas) "Loyal torch-bearer for Mr. Kabatch ?????, more loyal kabarkada to Cecille, Rodgina et al."
92. Noel (Pinas) "I like my women TALL"
93. Paul (?) "Underestimated but never surpassed"
94. Peter (Pinas) "The tall guy with the close-up smile. Some guys are just born damn lucky"
95. Precious (Pinas) "Tall princess who walked with a true regal bearing"
96. Rainelda (the friendly skies) "With the bearing of a model and the
down-to-earthness of a great friend, this gal's gonna fly places"
97.Randy (Pinas) "A (future) officer and gentleman all the way"
98. Raymond (Pinas) "One of the frontline hecklers but without a malicious bone in his body"
99. Rina (formerly known as the Artist Rina Lynn) (Pinas) "Demure and dainty, always neat and pretty"
100. Rinda (O, Canada!) "The original mothering figure of the batch who called friends their own unique endearments such as
101. Rizal (Pinas) "Quieter than his namesake and peace-loving likewise"
102. Rhoderick (Pinas) "The cutest guy among the SPCers!" [did we take a vote on this?]
103. Robert (Pinas) "More than evolving the lingo of Batch 83 ("Analytical Mind!"), best remembered for his hip-wiggling twist."
104. Rodgina (Celine Dion country) "Pert and sassy, nimble and quick, quick to laughter, and quicker on her track and field feet"
105. Rommel (Pinas) "The 'Bad Boy' Robin Padilla of The Batch with the deceivingly harmless Hugh Grant looks"
106. Romeo (Pinas)"The Man, as Greg calls him, The Rock, as he will always be."
107. Ronnie Capistrano (?) "The most sport guy in the batch notwithstanding being the butt of merciless pranks"
108. Ronnie Ricketts (Celine Dion country) "a.k.a. 'Tuntungin Kid'"
109. Rosanna (?)"Sweet as cherry pie, would never hurt a fly (except some CAT officer's heart... :)
110. Rossi (Pinas)"Has vowed that he will become an OB Gyne specialist, prompting half the female persuasion to consider home deliveries instead"
111. Rowena Baltazar (?)"She knew QUEEN by heart, and knew they would be iconic even before pivotal American Idol Last 6 Performances (think Constantine Maroulis and David Cook!!), and before the new millennium christened them icons of the Rock 80s"
112. Rummel (US) "In the shadow of his sis whose good nature is sure to rise above any abyss"
[Rummel and I have stories to time, I hit his head with a pick mattock in Agriculture. That was in 7th Grade, though. Still, good times.]
113. Ruth (?)"Very quiet morena beauty with the shy smile"
114. Ryan (California) "The Technotronic dancer & most elusive [like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster] bachelor of the batch who graduated with the cleanest black book despite being one of batch's most popular hunks"
115. Sheila (Canada) "Catwalk material, the one with the sexiest gait among the RHS83 belles"
116. Tavs (Manhattan) "The resident
haute couture denizen of Batch 83 destined to land in New York"
117. Uly (Pinas) "Never the silent shadow; always aware of the most sinister ongoings of Batch 83"
118. Victor (Pinas) "Without him, what would Batch 83 be?" [The Man, The Myth, The TAEX]
119. Victoria (Pinas) "Soft-spoken and indomitable refuge, as bespoken of her nickname [
i.e., Mansion]"
120. Wilma (?) "Tall and unassuming, always well-poised"
Honorary Member of Batch 83
Sir Mar Garcia (New Zealand) "Physics Professor, Homeroom Advisor, 19xx-19xx"
Whew!!! Finally finished this darn list!!!
OK, so I went through all our pictures in the China yearbook. But how come I only have 109 of us? I thought we had 118?!? Who did I miss?!? Could you folks let me know who are we missing here? Also, if you know of the whereabouts of folks with ?s, pass the specs on to me as well & I'll correct them. Also, if there are any errors, LMK, too.
And can someone send me this group pic in a larger byte size? This one is uber-puny.
09/13/08 update:
taexrhs83: "I also remember Arnel Creencia being in our batch. Some of you pointed him out too. And Ryan aka "Tignap" mentioned Angelica Mendoza. And thanks to Rinds who pointed out Juvy Pablo. So, that's 112. That still isn't 118. Who else are we missing?"
09/14/08 update:
We are seriously crankin now! OK, we found more people: Romeo, Josefina (I can't believe I lost her. I distinctly remember reading about her pining for
Bjorn Borg while I was typing up this list), Ireneo, and Mimi.
Thanks Elisa, Jena, & Rinds for pointing these folks out. Now we're up to 116. Who are the remaining 2 who will take us to 118?
Jena pointed out other Ruralites who had graduated with us in 1983 (see
Comments), but I was not thinking of the folks who marched to graduate back in 1983; I got the No. 118 from our starting No. of 120 (our freshman class in 1979), then I distinctly remember losing 2 of us along the way... So, I always had the No. 118 on my mind.
Breaking News!
Forgot to mention Jena's pointing out Rowena Baltazar. Thanks, Jen! We're at 117, people! Who is the last one standing? Who is the new American Idol?
The Queen Speaketh! Oh, hail The Queen!!!
"cy, did the yearbook's scan of the graduation programme carry 118 names? you might be taxing your neurons when the official document has less than that ... :)
anyway, to the new classmate additions, below are suggested descriptions. when i wrote the epitaphs for the yearbook in 2003, i collaborated with nikki. am pretty sure i wrote the "close-up smile" about pitong, but am not sure if i also wrote about the "some guys are just born lucky" bit about him as well! :)
these descriptions are longer than those in the yearbook -- as a sort of "makeup" for their inadvertent missing out in the printed book!! :)"
ANGELICA MENDOZA - Called "Baby Doll" by her family ... a throwback to the Guy & Pip era of Maria Theresa Leonora, the walking doll na anak ni Nora and Tirso
ROWENA BALTHAZAR - She knew QUEEN by heart, and knew they would be iconic even before pivotal American Idol Last 6 Performances (think Constantine Maroulis and David Cook!!), and before the new millennium christened them icons of the Rock 80s
ARNEL CREENCIA - Lived in UPCO. Maybe the faraway domicile was the reason why he became the undeniable cheetah in foot races (pinakamabilis tumakbo!). Such asset served him best whenever he broke the (school) laws in the elementary school yard
DYAH FAGI - From Indonesia to Maquling to the boondocks of Rural: Introduced Indonesian food to her Dao classmate in their home; same Dao classmate tasted Indian food in another home, this time of Sushitra, their Indian girl barkada in 7th grade. Now only the Dao classmate remains, and lives in a world like the United Nations, thanks to Dyah's kind ushering into a coexistent world in the international arena.
The Queen so speak it, the
peon so blog it...
Finally, thanks go to Fikki (aka
FBI) for pointing out Dyah Fagi, and to Nelda for stopping by the blog and pointing out that she is not on the list. Now with Dyah and Nelda on the list, we are at 119. My NEW target number is 120, the 120 of us that entered URPHS back in 1979. With this new target number, we are short 1 person. Tignap offered Tim Contado. Was he ever at Rural?!? Anyway, put your collective minds together and squeeze out the last kabatch, squeeze, squeeze, ...
Just pray this blog does not crash & disappear. I WILL NOT BE TYPING THIS UP AGAIN, ... EVER.
Original post 08/17/08
Last update 09/22/08
Update Feb 17, 2013
At last, 120!!! It was Florangel I was missing. Thanks for the comment, Elisa back in 2008! 5 years later isn't too bad.