Monday, November 30, 2020

Batch 83 on Peysbook circa 2014

 Being anal, I wanted to know if all of us were on Facebook in 2014. CLZ said we were all on Facebook but I wasn't too sure. Below are screenshots of who were on our FB group back then. Some of these aren't even people! How many were we back then? How many are we right now? 

We're already there, CLZ. (sigh). 

Yun lang naman. 

Favorite reunion venue in So Cal: The Citadel Outlets in Los Angeles, CA (actually, it's in Commerce, CA)

 While I was looking through old photos, I noticed that whenever a kabatch/kabatches visit So Cal, that we almost always meet up at The Citadel Outlets in Commerce, CA. 

We hooked up at the Citadel in 2015 when Ish and Jawel were in town. 

Then again in 2017 when Jawel and Maris were in town. 

Hey, you guys sandwiched the 2016 reunion in Newport Beach! Sayang! You could have joined us! 

Hey2, how come Jawel is always here? 

Speaking of The Citadel Outlet Stores, even COVID did not keep folks away during Black Friday. COVID be damn! 

Yun lang naman.