If you are a man, you know you grew up in the 1980's when the item that topped your "Wish list" was a Citizens' Band Radio. "Whoa, what's that you got there under the dash? A CB radio?!? Holey Moley!!!" "What's your handle?" "Usap tayo mamaya, K?"
I remember Adonis having one. Tignap, did you have one? I myself could only leech off of my Dad's which he used for work.
But we all know why this baby was every man's dream machine back in the 80's. Everyone knows that the babes that truly mattered back then had been taken by their over-protective fathers out to the mountains (like Collegeville and adjacent environs, the names of these subdivisions escape me now), they did this to protect their daughters from the hormone-raging boys that were after their little princesses. Well, if you go out to the mountains, you need to keep your fingers on the pulse of the city, because while you could take the man(and family) out of the city, you cannot take the city out of the man.
Enter the CB radio.
And either their old man erronously taught them how to handle a CB or these princesses chose to learn the CB craft themselves (I wonder why...), I guess we'll never know. But were we glad they did. For this allowed us boys to stalk these girls even during the weekends! If you happen to fail in getting anywhere with the ladies during the week, the CB allowed you to carry on during the weekends. Man, how awesome was that?!? Possibilities? Endless. All you needed to find out was these girls' handles (the names they used while talking on CBs), what channel they would be on (or you scan all channels & hope you get lucky) and when. Once you knew all these, you were set.
Another use of the CB, rousing up a CONVOY! Kris Kristofferson shows us how.
So, like I said, it doesn't get any better than a boy with a CB (and the right girl information), on a weekend, back in the 1980's. Breaker, Breaker.
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